1. PROVEST: Provenance-based Trust Model for Delay Tolerant Networks (IEEE 2021)
2. An Evolutionary Self-Cooperative Trust Scheme against Routing Disruptions in
MANETs (IEEE 2021)
3. A Unified Framework of Clustering Approach in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (IEEE 2021)
4. Bandwidth-Satisfied and Coding-Aware Multicast Protocol in MANETs(IEEE 2021)
5. An Online Mechanism for Detection of Gray-Hole Attacks on PMU Data(IEEE 2021)
1. Distributed Clustering-Task Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Dynamic
Hyper Round
Policy (IEEE 2021)
2. Denial of Service (DoS) Defence for Resource Availability in Wireless Sensor Networks
(IEEE 2021)
3. Centralized Trust Based Secure Routing in Wireless Networks (IEEE 2021)
1. Zero MAC Latency Sensor Networking for Cyber Physical Systems (IEEE 2021)
2. A Survey of Physical Layer Security Techniques for 5G Wireless Networks and
Challenges Ahead
(IEEE 2021)
3. Forward Collision Vehicular Radar with IEEE 802.11: Feasibility Demonstration through
Measurements(IEEE 2021)
4. Using Bayesian Networks for Probabilistic Identification of Zero-day Attack Paths(IEEE 2021)
1. An Effective Approach to Controller Placement in Software Defined Wide Area
Networks (IEEE 2021)
2. Privacy-Preserving DDoS Attack Detection Using Cross-Domain Traffic in Software
Defined Networks
(IEEE 2021)
3. Towards Bayesian-based Trust Management for Insider Attacks in Healthcare Software-
Networks(IEEE 2021)
1. Key Distribution Based on Phase FluctuationBetween Polarization Modes in Optical
(IEEE 2021)
2. Distributed Social Welfare Maximization in Urban Vehicular Participatory Sensing
Systems (IEEE 2021)
3. A Secure and Efficient Authentication Technique for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (IEEE 2021)
4. Reliable Cooperative Authentication for Vehicular Networks (IEEE 2021).(IEEE 2021)
5. Distributed Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Intrusion Detection Systems For VANETs
(IEEE 2021)
6. Data Uploading in Hybrid V2V/V2I Vehicular Networks: Modeling and Cooperative
Strategy (IEEE 2021)
7. A Novel Infrastructure-Based Worm Spreading Countermeasure for Vehicular Networks(IEEE 2021)
1. Energy-Efficient and Distributed Network Management Cost Minimization in
Opportunistic Wireless
Body Area Network (IEEE 2021)
2. Certificateless Public Auditing Scheme for Cloud-Assisted Wireless Body Area
Networks (IEEE 2021)
1. Theoretical Modeling and Analysis of Magnetic Induction Communication in Wireless
Body Area
Networks (WBANs) ((IEEE 2021)
2. A Cooperative Clustering Protocol with Duty Cycling for Energy Harvesting Enabled
Wireless Sensor
Networks(IEEE 2021)
1.Distributed acoustic sensor using broad band weak FBG array for large temperature
(IEEE 2021)
2. Compressive Sampling and Reconstruction of Acoustic Signal in Underwater Wireless
Networks (IEEE 2021)
3. Interference-Free Graph Based TDMA Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor
Networks(IEEE 2021)