1. Damage-Mapping Algorithm Based on Coherence Model Using Multitemporal
Interferometric SAR Data (IEEE 2021)
2. Anomaly Detection in Moving-Camera Video Sequences Using Principal Subspace
Analysis (IEEE 2021)
3. Effective Learner-Centered Approach for Teaching an Introductory Digital Systems
Course (IEEE 2021)
1. Enabling Efficient User Revocation in Identity-based Cloud Storage Auditing for Shared
Big Data
(IEEE 2021)
2. Enabling Identity-Based Integrity Auditing and Data Sharing with Sensitive Information
Hiding for
Secure Cloud Storage (IEEE 2021)
3. PROST: Privacy-Preserving and Truthful Online Double Auction for Spectrum Allocation
(IEEE 2021)
4. Auditing Big Data Storage in Cloud Computing Using Divide and Conquer Tables(IEEE 2021)
5. Dynamic VM Scaling: Provisioning and Pricing through an Online Auction (IEEE 2021)
6. Multi-user Multi-Keyword Rank Search over Encrypted Data in Arbitrary Language
(IEEE 2021)
1. A Log Domain Pulse Model for Parametric Speech Synthesis (IEEE 2021)
2. Compositional Model-Based Sketch Generator in Facial Entertainment (IEEE 2021)
1. Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Next-Generation
Wireless Networks
(IEEE 2021)
1.CHOBS: Color Histogram of Block Statistics for Automatic Bleeding Detection in
Wireless Capsule
Endoscopy Video (IEEE 2021)
1. Efficient and Expressive Keyword Search over Encrypted Data in Cloud (IEEE 2021)
2. An Efficient Ranked Multi-Keyword Search for Multiple Data Owners over Encrypted
Cloud Data
(IEEE 2021)
1. A New CNN-Based Method for Multi-Directional Car License Plate Detection (IEEE 2021)
2. Learning Face Image Quality from Human Assessments (IEEE 2021)
3. Blind Stereoscopic Video Quality Assessment: From Depth Perception to Overall
Experience(IEEE 2021)
1. Identifying Objective and Subjective Words via Topic Modeling (IEEE 2021)
1. Halftone Image Watermarking by Content Aware Double-sided Embedding Error
Diffusion (IEEE 2021)
2. Social-Aware Secret Key Generation for Secure Device-to-Device Communication via
Trusted and
Non-Trusted Relays (IEEE 2021)
3. An Efficient MSB Prediction-Based Method for High-Capacity Reversible Data Hiding in
Images. (IEEE 2021)
4. Credit Card Fraud Detection: A Realistic Modeling and a Novel Learning Strategy (IEEE 2021)
1. Scalable Mobile Crowdsensing via Peer-to-Peer Data Sharing (IEEE 2021)
2. Urban-Scale Human Mobility Modeling With Multi-Source Urban Network Data (IEEE 2021)
3. A Deep Learning Approach to Network Intrusion Detection (IEEE 2021)
1. Wireless Powered Cooperative Communication Using Two Relays: Protocol Design and
Analysis (IEEE 2021)
2. QoS-Aware Service Composition in Cloud Manufacturing: A Gale–Shapley Algorithm-
Based Approach
(IEEE 2021)
1. Research on Deep Learning Techniques in Breaking Text-based Captchas and Designing
Captcha(IEEE 2021)
1. Sub-Selective Quantization for Learning Binary Code in Large-Scale Image Search(IEEE 2021)
2. Catch You if You Misbehave: Ranked Keyword Search Results Verification in Cloud
(IEEE 2021)
3. Product Adoption Rate Prediction in a Competitive Market (IEEE 2021)