1. Waste Water Management for Smart Cities. (IEEE 2021)
2. The Need of Multidisciplinary Approaches and Engineering Tools for the Development and
Implementation of the Smart City Paradigm. (IEEE 2021)
3. Animal Detection System in Farm Areas. (IEEE 2021)
4. Advanced IOT Based Combined Remote Health Monitoring, Home Automation and Alarm System.
(IEEE 2021)
5. A Movement Decomposition and Machine Learning Based Fall Detection System Using Wrist
Wearable Device. (IEEE 2021)
6. Pollution Control using Internet of Things (IoT).
(IEEE 2021)
1. A Wireless Continuous Patient Monitoring System for Dengue; Wi-Mon (IEEE 2021)
2. A Low Cost Intelligent Smart System for Real Time Infant Monitoring and Cry Detection. (IEEE 2021)
3. Continuous Health Surveillance System for Cattle. (IEEE 2021)
4. Smart Pilgrim: A Mobile-Sensor-Cloud based System to Safeguard Pilgrims through Smart
Environment. (IEEE 2021)
5. A Knowledge-Based Approach to Automatic Detection of Equipment Alarm Sounds in a Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit Environment. (IEEE 2021)
6. Health Monitoring and Tracking System for Soldiers Using Internet of Things (IoT).
(IEEE 2021)
7. Interoperable End-to-End Remote Patient Monitoring Platform based on IEEE 11073 PHD and ZigBee
Health Care Profile. (IEEE 2021)
8. Toward Better Management for Asthma. (IEEE 2021)
9. Wearable Medical Sensor Based System Design: A Survey. (IEEE 2021)
10. Smart Phone-Based Peak Expiratory Flow Meter.
(IEEE 2021)
1. An IoT Approach for an AAL Wi-Fi-Based Monitoring System. (IEEE 2021)
2. A Conceptual Framework for Supporting UAV based Cyber Physical Weather Monitoring Activities.
(IEEE 2021)
3. Internet of Things for Smart Railway: Feasibility and Applications. (IEEE 2021)
4. IoT Based Smart School Bus Monitoring and Notification System. (IEEE 2021)
5. RFID based Women Safety System with Automatic Street Light Control System.
(IEEE 2021)
6. IoT-Based Sensing and Communications Infrastructure for the Fresh Food Supply Chain.
(IEEE 2021)
7. Mobile Security Monitor: A Wearable Computing Platform to Detect and Notify Falls.
(IEEE 2021)
8. Smart Parking Guidance Monitoring and Reservation: A Review. (IEEE 2021)
9. IOT Based Controlling of Hybrid Energy System using ESP8266. (IEEE 2021)
10. A Review on Different Techniques of Fire Detection for Emergency Management. (IEEE 2021)
11. Wearable Wireless Sensor System with RF Remote Activation for Gas Monitoring Applications.
(IEEE 2021)
1. An Uphill Safety Controller with Deep Learning based Ramp Detection for Intelligent Wheelchairs.
(IEEE 2021)
2. Sensor Motes for the Exploration and Monitoring of Operational Pipelines. (IEEE 2021)
3. A Distributed Control Framework of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Dynamic Wildfire Tracking.
(IEEE 2021)
4. VIRTUe:Video Surveillance for Rail-Road Traffic Safety at Unmanned Level Crossings.
(IEEE 2021)
5. Battlefield Assistive Robot. (IEEE 2021)
6. Multiple Distance Sensors Based Smart Stick for Visually Impaired People(IEEE 2021)
7. Mine Detection for Defence Using GSM. (IEEE 2021)
8. Voice Recognition Controlled Wheel Chair
(IEEE 2021)
1. An IoT cloud system for traffic monitoring and vehicular accidents prevention based on mobile
sensor data processing. (IEEE 2021)
2. Smart IoT based system for vehicle noise and pollution monitoring. (IEEE 2021)
3. Prototype of fire symptom detection system. (IEEE 2021)
4. A probabilistic approach for forecasting the allowable current of oil-immersed transformers.
(IEEE 2021)
5. A data parasitizing scheme for effective health monitoring in wireless body area networks. (IEEE 2021)
6. Online obstructive sleep apnea detection on medical wearable sensors. (IEEE 2021)
7. Bridge monitoring and alert generation system using IoT. (IEEE 2021)
8. Design and development of an IoT based wearable device for the safety and security of women and
girl children. (IEEE 2021)
9. Intelligent medicine box for medication management using IoT. (IEEE 2021)
10. Internet of things in smart ambulance and emergency medicine
(IEEE 2021)
1. LPG Level Monitoring, Booking and Gas Leakage Detector. (IEEE 2021)
2. Smart Meter Privacy: Exploiting the Potential of Household Energy Storage Units.
(IEEE 2021)
1. SEAT: Secure Energy-efficient Automated Public Transport Ticketing System.
(IEEE 2021)
2. SMS Based Banking Security System
(IEEE 2021)
1. Centralized Automation of Petrol Bunk Management and Safety using RFID and GSM Technology.
(IEEE 2021)
2. ATM Transaction without Debit Card
(IEEE 2021)
1. Smart Shopping Cart. (IEEE 2021)
2. On Human to Database Interface Based on Visible Light Communication. (IEEE 2021)
3. A Health Remote Monitoring Application based on Wireless Body Area Networks.
(IEEE 2021)
4. A Methodology for Reliability of WSN Based on Software Defined Network in Adaptive Industrial
Environment. (IEEE 2021)
5. Secured and Green Data Processing and Transmission in a Human-Vehicle Interaction ADAS System.
(IEEE 2021)
1. Automated Vehicle Parking System and Unauthorized Parking Detector. (IEEE 2021)
2. Wearable Device-Based System to Monitor a Driver’s Stress, Fatigue, and Drowsiness.
(IEEE 2021)
3. A Smart System for Garden Watering using Wireless Sensor Networks. (IEEE 2021)
4. LPG Monitoring and Leakage Detection System. (IEEE 2021)
5. SMS Based Industrial Disaster Intimation System. (IEEE 2021)
6. A Review on Human-Centered IoT-Connected Smart Labels for the Industry 4.0
(IEEE 2021)
1. EATS: Enhanced Automatic Tollgate System Powered by IoT and Big Data. (IEEE 2021)
2. Technology-Assisted Decision Support System for Efficient Water Utilization: A Real-Time Testbed for
Irrigation Using Wireless Sensor Networks(IEEE 2021)
3. WiFi Sensing Based Real-time Bus Tracking and Arrival Time Prediction in Urban Environments.
(IEEE 2021)
4. Real-Time Flood Water Level Monitoring System with SMS Notification. (IEEE 2021)
5. Accident and Alcohol Detection in Bluetooth enabled Smart Helmets for Motorbikes.
(IEEE 2021)
6. Protocol Implementation for Wireless Sensor Network for Anti-Poaching of Trees.
(IEEE 2021)
7. Design and Implementation of Real Time Transformer Health Monitoring System Using GSM
Technology. (IEEE 2021)
8. SmartBath: Water Temperature Control System. (IEEE 2021)
9. Monitoring Physiological variables Of Mining Workers at High Altitude. (IEEE 2021)
10. Towards Fourth Industrial Revolution Impact: Smart Product Based on RFID Technology.(IEEE 2021)
11. Automated Medical Waste Segregation Machine Using Arduino Controller.(IEEE 2021)
12. Multi-sensor Integrated System for Wireless Monitoring of Greenhouse Environment
(IEEE 2021)
1. Super-pixel Based Single Nighttime Image Haze Removal. (IEEE 2021)
2. Automatic Detection of Tomato Diseases and Pests Based on Leaf Image. (IEEE 2021)
3. Fully Convolutional Networks with Sequential Information for Robust Crop and Weed Detection in
Precision Farming. (IEEE 2021)
4. An Automatic Fire Detection and Warning System under Home Video Surveillance.
(IEEE 2021)
5. Fusion of structural and textural features for melanoma recognition. (IEEE 2021)
6. Deep multiple instance learning for automatic detection of diabetic retinopathy in retinal images.
(IEEE 2021)
7. Colour Image Segmentation for Malaria parasites Detection using Cascading Method(IEEE 2021)
8. Integrated Approach for Bone Tumor Detection from MRI Scan Imagery. (IEEE 2021)
9. A Face Recognition Attendance System with GSM Notification. (IEEE 2021)
10. Gesture Recognition and fingertip detection for Human Computer Interaction.
(IEEE 2021)
1. Verifiable Classroom Voting in Practice.(IEEE 2021)
2. A proposed framework for biometric electronic voting system.(IEEE 2021)
3. Design, Characterization and Implementation of a Two-DOF Fabric-based Soft Robotic Arm.
(IEEE 2021)
1. Improving Smart Home Security; Integrating Logical Sensing into Smart Home.(IEEE 2021)
2. A Driver State Detection System—Combining a Capacitive Hand Detection Sensor with Physiological
Sensors. (IEEE 2021)
3. A Temperature Compensated Smart Nitrate-Sensor for Agricultural Industry.
(IEEE 2021)
4. Bi-Directional Passing People Counting System based on IR-UWB Radar Sensors.
(IEEE 2021)
5. Automated Blood Donating And Managing System Using Raspberry Pi B+. (IEEE 2021)
6. A Raspberry Pi Controlled Cloud Based Air and Sound Pollution Monitoring System with Temperature
and Humidity Sensing.
(IEEE 2021)
1. Internet of Things Enhanced User Experience for Smart Water and EnergyManagement (IEEE 2021)
2. Prototype Development of a Wireless Embedded System for Bridge Monitoring.
(IEEE 2021)
3. Smart Innovation Applications for a Green House Using Sustainable and Renewable Energy in the UAE.
(IEEE 2021)
4. Road safety in the age of mobile phones: IoT and Milgram. (IEEE 2021)
5. Intelligent Condition Monitoring System for Distribution Transformer and Health Status Diagnosis.
(IEEE 2021)
6. Internet of Things for Flame Monitoring Power Station Boilers. (IEEE 2021)
7. Monitoring Earthquake through MEMS Sensors (MEMS project) in the town of Acireale (Italy).
(IEEE 2021)
8. A Complete Internet of Things (IoT) Platform for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM).
(IEEE 2021)
1. Lifetime Optimization of Wireless Sensor Networks for Gas Monitoring in Underground Coal Mining.
(IEEE 2021)
2. Design and Implementation of an Agricultural Monitoring System for Smart Farming.
(IEEE 2021)
3. IoT based Smart Home Automation System using Sensor Node. (IEEE 2021)
4. IoT Solutions for Crop Protection against Wild Animal Attacks. (IEEE 2021)
5. Physical sensors for precision aquaculture: A Review.
(IEEE 2021)
1. Redundant robot localization system based in wireless sensor network. (IEEE 2021)
2. Automatic Dangerous Driving Intensity Analysis for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems from
Multimodal Driving Signals. (IEEE 2021)
3. Semi-supervised Deep Reinforcement Learning in Support of IoT and Smart City Services. (IEEE 2021)
4. Energy-efficient border intrusion detection using wireless sensors network.(IEEE 2021)
5. Quantifying the Effects of Increasing Mechanical Stress on Knee Acoustical Emissions Using
Unsupervised graph mining
(IEEE 2021)
1. Development Of Data Acquisition Robot For Toxic Environmental Monitoring Using WSN. (IEEE 2021)
2. Development Of WSN Based Water Level Monitoring And Control System Using Android. (IEEE 2021)
3. Smart Home Automation. (IEEE 2021)
4. Speech Recognition Based Voice Command Notice Board. (IEEE 2021)
5. Greenhouse Environment Controlling With Monitoring On Android Application(IEEE 2021)
6. Weather Report Information System.
(IEEE 2021)