Centralized Remote Based College Information Scheme.
CRM Airlines diligence is to provide the world-class services.
Forestry mesh Manuscript business used for ordering over the internet.
An Automated Scheme for insurance activities.
Robotic Transportation for Mobile freelancer.
AJAX Techniques Based on Snare Order Processing System.
University Admission Process for Computerized privileged process.
Outsource Lending Tree for freelancer.
Maintenance the Centralized Database for network Stock Analyzer.
Automatic Real-Time License Place Identification For Increased Fraud Detection.
Jewellery Management for Web Process.
Interactive job vacancy for Resource out Sourcing
Virtual showcase for web music system.
Performs Encrypt and decrypts for On-line java compiler with security editor.
Customer Satisfactions for hospital Using MediTracker.
Intrusion Detection System over Abnormal Internet Sequence.
Retrieving and Storing Information for Infoware Services.
Global Communication Media is developing on the web.
Future banking solution for e-transaction interface.
Customer tender for E_Procurement System.
Data Mart Management Software Maintain Using Warehouse organization.
Cyber Shopping for web Structure.
E-Commerce solution for Speed Age.
Developing Fwd One India Card using Open-Source technology.
Real Estate Established on Web Business.
Optimization of Resource Provisioning Cost in Cloud Computing.
Practical Detection of Spammers and Content Promoters in Online Video Sharing Systems.
An Analytical Performance Modeling Approach for Supply Chain Networks.
A Hierarchical Attribute-Based Solution for Flexible and Scalable Access Control in Cloud Computing.
A Secure Erasure Code-Based Cloud Storage System with Secure Data Forwarding.
An Investigation of the Impact of Consumer Feedback, Recommendation.
Performance Evaluation of Full Search Equivalent Pattern Matching Algorithms.
An Ontology-Based Text-Mining Method to Cluster Proposals for Research Project Selection.
Andhra Pradesh State Finance Corporation (APSFC).
Automated Bug Tracking for Improving Software Reliability (BTS).
Intranet Application Based Courier Service Process.
The Cyber Shopping application is an Online Website for an Organization
Purposed Data Centric information for managing scheme.
Automated Data Mart Warehouse running organization.
Distributed Cycle Minimization Protocol to eliminating unnecessary cycles.
E-Classifieds to provide a leading based Multi-Functionalities.
E-Transaction Interface is the targeted for future banking solution.
Ezee Mail classification to provide a communication channel inside an organization between different clients.
Fujji System is generated with the MVC architecture using Servlets, JSP.
Global Communication for an Organization.
Automation interface to users in a graphical way to manage the historical data.
Project Management Information organism for Multi level of project development.
Secure Net Auction scheme.
ShoutBox to many-to-many communication and private data transfers.
Smartcard service providing to corporate information and hospital statistics.
Hiding data in a media file using steganography scheme.
Database optimization by sql query tunning.
Searching file and folders in local area network.
Identifying the pattern recognition under face images.
Secure Communication Using Public Key And Symmetric Key.
Personal computer resource monitoring and maintenance.
Controlling the operating system with the help of automatic speech recognition.
Moving Object Detection Using Web Cam.
Gps Tracer Application For Windows Mobile Ce5.
Video Based Distance Traffic Analysis.
Quick Analysis Of Fiber Export And Import -Coir
Tracking employee details and benefits in an organization.
Simplification of point-sampled geometry with feature preservation.
Texture synthesis for image processing.
Discriminative learning of local image descriptors.
Encoding of binary data in a sequence of ascii characters.
Texting to multiple mobile numbers using sms gateway.
Privacy Preserving Targeted Advertising
A Big shopping mall for wood work.
Advances in classical entity process for food engineering useful to Health Monitoring.
AirLines Search engine and booking
Emanuscript Download using Asp.net .
Awareness networking environments.
Optimization of secure for Key Security and intended for Data Leakage Detection.
Plan to enhance the performance of Speed cash implementation.
Defects need to be tracked make use of a defect tracking process.
Recommended Quality assurance and Quality controller organization.
By greeting the people make use of formal and informal.
A human resources team wants to enrollment for hiring candidates.
Meditation Sciences & research offers excellent yoga Therapy training programs.
Plan to Learning Tree Native Gardening scheme.
User Query dependent ranking for web databases.